Adding tweeteval classifier

This commit is contained in:
cardiffnlp 2020-11-12 17:31:20 +00:00
parent c6eb303fb1
commit c3f00119f3
8 changed files with 50182 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# Twitter-roBERTa-base
This is a roBERTa-base model trained on ~58M tweets and finetuned for the Sentiment Analysis task at Semeval 2018.
For full description: [_TweetEval_ benchmark (Findings of EMNLP 2020)](
To evaluate this and other models on Twitter-specific data, please refer to the [Tweeteval official repository](
## Example of classification
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax
import csv
import urllib.request
# Tasks:
# emoji, emotion, hate, irony, offensive, sentiment
# stance/abortion, stance/atheism, stance/climate, stance/feminist, stance/hillary
MODEL = f"cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-{task}"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL)
# download label mapping
mapping_link = f"{task}/mapping.txt"
with urllib.request.urlopen(mapping_link) as f:
html ='utf-8').split("\n")
spamreader = csv.reader(html[:-1], delimiter='\t')
labels = [row[1] for row in spamreader]
# PT
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(MODEL)
text = "Good night 😊"
encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt')
output = model(**encoded_input)
scores = output[0][0].detach().numpy()
scores = softmax(scores)
# # TF
# model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(MODEL)
# model.save_pretrained(MODEL)
# text = "Good night 😊"
# encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='tf')
# output = model(encoded_input)
# scores = output[0][0].numpy()
# scores = softmax(scores)
ranking = np.argsort(scores)
ranking = ranking[::-1]
for i in range(scores.shape[0]):
l = labels[ranking[i]]
s = scores[ranking[i]]
print(f"{i+1}) {l} {np.round(float(s), 4)}")
1) positive 0.8466
2) neutral 0.1458
3) negative 0.0076

70 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# Twitter-roBERTa-base
This is a roBERTa-base model trained on ~58M tweets and finetuned for the Sentiment Analysis task at Semeval 2018.
For full description: [_TweetEval_ benchmark (Findings of EMNLP 2020)](
To evaluate this and other models on Twitter-specific data, please refer to the [Tweeteval official repository](
## Example of classification
from transformers import AutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import softmax
import csv
import urllib.request
# Tasks:
# emoji, emotion, hate, irony, offensive, sentiment
# stance/abortion, stance/atheism, stance/climate, stance/feminist, stance/hillary
MODEL = f"cardiffnlp/twitter-roberta-base-{task}"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL)
# download label mapping
mapping_link = f"{task}/mapping.txt"
with urllib.request.urlopen(mapping_link) as f:
html ='utf-8').split("\n")
spamreader = csv.reader(html[:-1], delimiter='\t')
labels = [row[1] for row in spamreader]
# PT
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(MODEL)
text = "Good night 😊"
encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='pt')
output = model(**encoded_input)
scores = output[0][0].detach().numpy()
scores = softmax(scores)
# # TF
# model = TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(MODEL)
# model.save_pretrained(MODEL)
# text = "Good night 😊"
# encoded_input = tokenizer(text, return_tensors='tf')
# output = model(encoded_input)
# scores = output[0][0].numpy()
# scores = softmax(scores)
ranking = np.argsort(scores)
ranking = ranking[::-1]
for i in range(scores.shape[0]):
l = labels[ranking[i]]
s = scores[ranking[i]]
print(f"{i+1}) {l} {np.round(float(s), 4)}")
1) positive 0.8466
2) neutral 0.1458
3) negative 0.0076

config.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"_name_or_path": "tweeteval_new/roberta-base-rt-sentiment/",
"architectures": [
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
"bos_token_id": 0,
"eos_token_id": 2,
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
"hidden_act": "gelu",
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
"hidden_size": 768,
"id2label": {
"0": "LABEL_0",
"1": "LABEL_1",
"2": "LABEL_2"
"initializer_range": 0.02,
"intermediate_size": 3072,
"label2id": {
"LABEL_0": 0,
"LABEL_1": 1,
"LABEL_2": 2
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-05,
"max_position_embeddings": 514,
"model_type": "roberta",
"num_attention_heads": 12,
"num_hidden_layers": 12,
"pad_token_id": 1,
"type_vocab_size": 1,
"vocab_size": 50265

merges.txt Executable file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

pytorch_model.bin (Stored with Git LFS) Executable file

Binary file not shown.

special_tokens_map.json Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"bos_token": "<s>", "eos_token": "</s>", "unk_token": "<unk>", "sep_token": "</s>", "pad_token": "<pad>", "cls_token": "<s>", "mask_token": "<mask>"}

tf_model.h5 (Stored with Git LFS) Executable file

Binary file not shown.

vocab.json Executable file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long