Jean-Baptiste/roberta-large-ner-english is a forked repo from huggingface. License: mit
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jeanpoll 12cca13ad4 initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
.gitattributes initial commit 2022-01-04 01:29:30 +00:00 initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
config.json initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
merges.txt initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
pytorch_model.bin initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
results.csv initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
special_tokens_map.json initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
tokenizer_config.json initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00
vocab.json initial commit 2022-01-05 11:49:20 -05:00

language datasets widget
My name is jean-baptiste and I live in montreal
My name is clara and I live in berkeley, california.
My name is wolfgang and I live in berlin

roberta-large-ner: model fine-tuned from roberta-large for NER task


[roberta-large-ner] is a NER model that was fine-tuned from roberta-large on conll2003 dataset. Model was validated on emails/chat data and outperformed other models on this type of data specifically. In particular the model seems to work better on entity that don't start with an upper case.

Training data

Training data was classified as follow:

Abbreviation Description
O Outside of a named entity
MISC Miscellaneous entity
PER Persons name
ORG Organization
LOC Location

In order to simplify, the prefix B- or I- from original conll2003 was removed. I used the train and test dataset from original conll2003 for training and the "validation" dataset for validation. This resulted in a dataset of size: Train | 17494 Validation | 3250

How to use camembert-ner with HuggingFace

Load camembert-ner and its sub-word tokenizer :
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("Jean-Baptiste/roberta-large-ner")
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("Jean-Baptiste/roberta-large-ner")

##### Process text sample (from wikipedia)

from transformers import pipeline

nlp = pipeline('ner', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, aggregation_strategy="simple")
nlp("Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to develop and sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer")

[{'entity_group': 'ORG',
  'score': 0.99381506,
  'word': ' Apple',
  'start': 0,
  'end': 5},
 {'entity_group': 'PER',
  'score': 0.99970853,
  'word': ' Steve Jobs',
  'start': 29,
  'end': 39},
 {'entity_group': 'PER',
  'score': 0.99981767,
  'word': ' Steve Wozniak',
  'start': 41,
  'end': 54},
 {'entity_group': 'PER',
  'score': 0.99956465,
  'word': ' Ronald Wayne',
  'start': 59,
  'end': 71},
 {'entity_group': 'PER',
  'score': 0.9997918,
  'word': ' Wozniak',
  'start': 92,
  'end': 99},
 {'entity_group': 'MISC',
  'score': 0.99956393,
  'word': ' Apple I',
  'start': 102,
  'end': 109}]

Model performances

Model performances computed on conll2003 validation dataset (computed on the tokens predictions)

entity | precision | recall | f1
- | - | - | -
PER | 0.9914 | 0.9927 | 0.9920 
ORG | 0.9627 | 0.9661 |	0.9644
LOC | 0.9795 | 0.9862 |	0.9828
MISC | 0.9292 |	0.9262 | 0.9277
Overall | 0.9740 | 0.9766 |	0.9753

On private dataset (email, chat, informal discussion), computed on word predictions:

entity | precision | recall | f1
- | - | - | -
PER | 0.8823 | 0.9116 | 0.8967
ORG | 0.7694 | 0.7292 | 0.7487
LOC | 0.8619 | 0.7768 |	0.8171

Spacy (en_core_web_trf-3.2.0) on the same private dataset was giving:

entity | precision | recall | f1
- | - | - | -
PER | 0.9146 | 0.8287 | 0.8695
ORG | 0.7655 | 0.6437 |	0.6993
LOC | 0.8727 | 0.6180 |	0.7236